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We are in an extremely difficult political situation – 2024-03-30 01:16:04

2024-03-30 01:16:04

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said in an address to the nation this evening that “Serbia is in an extremely difficult political situation because it is paying a high price due to its geopolitical situation,” reported Serbian TV RTS, quoted by BTA.

“I’m afraid that this time it’s really not our fault, but because of the geopolitical situation we are paying a high price,” Vucic said. sovereign state, but we do not join the sanctions,” Vucic said. He also said that “Western countries are under a lot of pressure due to the advance of Russian forces and the uncertainty surrounding the end of the war in Ukraine, and they are further burdened by the messages from Moscow that are refer to the “Kosovo precedent”.

Before the address, Vucic announced on social networks that difficult days await Serbia, and the news that has arrived in the last few days directly threatens the vital national interests of Serbia and Republika Srpska (an integral part of Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Later, Vucic told journalists that the situation for Serbia is extremely difficult, but the country is stable and there is no danger.

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