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Young Cuban was assaulted and injured in Santiago de Cuba – 2024-05-10 21:35:36

2024-05-10 21:35:36

The community of Santiago de Cuba was shaken by the news of the disappearance of a young man, who after 48 hours of uncertainty, was found injured and with signs of having been assaulted.

This is Alexey Brossal Cumba, 18 years old, who had been reported missing since Monday morning, when he was supposed to report to the Baraguá Military Unit.

The alarm was raised by a family member, who expressed her concern through social networks and, in turn, extended by Yosmany Mayeta Labrada: “I am the cousin of an 18-year-old boy, he left for the military unit in Baraguá and we have not heard from him. The last time we saw him was at the Calle 4 terminal.”

The family, residing in Juan Díaz, la Test, Songo-La Maya Municipality, lived moments of anguish until they finally received news about Alexey’s whereabouts.

On Wednesday morning, the same cousin who had alerted about the disappearance, reported the discovery of the young man: “It already appeared, thank you very much. The boy was assaulted on two roads and he has just arrived now with blows to the abdomen and wounds, he went to the hospital closest to our community to receive medical attention “.

IN OTHER NEWS: They capture children with knives on the Malecón of Santiago de Cuba

The community of Santiago de Cuba has shown solidarity with the event, and many have turned to social networks to express their support for the family.

This incident highlights the growing concern about security in the region and the danger that young people face in their daily lives.

The authorities, as usual, do not lift a single finger to combat crime, focusing solely on repressing those who cry out for a better country.

Editorial of Cubans around the World

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