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The relationship with the US. The North American military chief for the region has arrived and the Government is evaluating an “inspection” of the Chinese base in NeuquénBy Jaime Rosemberg

The White House gives at these hours a new show of support for the Government of Javier Miley. Minutes ago, the general arrived at the Ezeiza international airport Laura Richardsonhead of the Southern Command of the United States, who on her third visit to the country, and for three days, will have a busy schedule of meetings with officials, interested in strengthening “cooperation ties” in security and defense.

China and its aerospace station in Neuquén; The threat of fundamentalist terrorism on the continent and the purchase of defensive equipment will be in the conversations that General Richardson will have with ministers, governors and civil and military officials in different parts of the country.

In tune with the arrival of Richardson, the Government confirmed this Tuesday that it is considering sending an “inspection” to the base that China installed in Neuquén during the mandate of Cristina Kirchner.

“The ties between our Armed Forces are as strong and deep-rooted as the ties between our citizens,” Richardson said. “We are committed to working closely with Argentina so that our collaborative security efforts benefit our citizens, our countries and our hemisphere in a lasting and positive way. “I am happy to return to Argentina and learn more about this beautiful country,” said Richardson, in advance of his trip, where – so far – a meeting with the president is not planned. Javier Mileybut yes with the chief of staff Nicolas Posseand I could also do it with the vice president Victoria Villarruel and several of his closest officials.

As officially reported by United States diplomacy, Richardson’s agenda in Buenos Aires will include meetings with the Minister of Defense, Luis Petriand Brigadier General Xavier Isaac, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces. “These conversations will address the reinforcement of the long-standing military collaboration between our nations, aimed at strengthening regional security and promoting shared interests,” reported sources from the North American government.

In addition to a strategic passage through Tierra del Fuego, with a meeting included with the governor Gustavo Melella, Richardson will participate in a panel discussion on the integration of women in peace, defense and security missions. On Friday she will leave for Guyana, a country currently in a border conflict with Venezuela. Nicolas Madurowhom Washington has questioned for years, while calling for “free and transparent elections” on July 28.

In Buenos Aires, General Richardson will participate in the official transfer of the Hercules C-130H transport aircraft to the Argentine Air Force. Close sources stated that the aircraft is valued at approximately US$30 million, and is part of a security “assistance donation” financed by the United States.

This donation is part of the more than US$625 million that the United States allocates to security cooperation with Argentina, in areas such as “professional and capacity development, cyber defense and disaster preparedness.”

The transfer of the Hercules forced Richardson and his delegation to cancel a planned passage through Neuquén, a province where a humanitarian assistance center for natural disasters donated by Washington and the Chinese aerospace base converge, harshly criticized by the ambassador. Marc Stanley, in his interview with THE NATION. “I am surprised that Argentina allows the Chinese Armed Forces to operate in Neuquén secretly, doing who knows what. “I understand that these are Chinese Army soldiers who operate this space telescope, I don’t know what they do, I think the Argentines don’t know either, and they should understand why the Chinese are deployed there,” Stanley said.

Hours after the interview was published, it was the Chinese embassy in Buenos Aires itself that came forward to address the accusations. “The Espacio Lejano station in Neuquén It is a technological cooperation facility space between China and Argentina. Instead of the aforementioned military calls, scientists from both Argentina and China have access to the use of this station for scientific research,” the diplomatic headquarters responded in a statement reproduced by the NA agency.

The statement also recalls that “in 2019, the Argentine Foreign Ministry and CONAE coordinated a visit by a delegation of diplomatic representatives, including from the United States, to the station,” which it defines as “civil in nature” and “transparent”.

In keeping with the alliance woven with USAand without denying their ideological dissidence with Beijing, the Government revealed this Tuesday that they are analyzing sending an “inspection” mission to the Chinese aerospace base in Neuquén territory, due to alleged breaches of the contract that authorized its installation in the country.

The Government of Javier Milei has been intensifying military and security cooperation with the United States. Weeks ago, the director of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIAaccording to its acronym in English), William Burnsmet at the Casa Rosada with the Chief of Staff, Nicolas Possein a new sign of the close rapprochement in the bilateral relationship.

Burns, a career diplomat who became number two in the State Department during Barack Obama’s administration, visited Argentina after a visit to Brazil, and was received by Silvestre Sivorihead of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI), and then crossed to Casa Rosada to see Posse, official sources confirmed. Posse had already seen Burns and Richardson on his last trip to the United States, earlier this year.

The last time a CIA chief was in Argentina was in 2010, when Leon Panetta traveled to the country earlier that year during Cristina Kirchner’s presidency.

The Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, in official meetings in the United StatesPresidency

Against that backdrop, the relationship has now begun to broaden and deepen in several lanes. The visits of Burns and Richardson reinforce the threads of cooperation in securitythe fight against drug trafficking and the terrorismand also the military collaborationa chapter that includes the purchase of aircraft caza F-16 to Denmark.

Days ago, Richardson gave a talk at the Atlantic Council in Washington about the region in which he described “great” to the relationship with Argentina, and said that with the new Government “that only doubles” and hopes to redouble efforts.

General Laura Richardson, head of the US Southern Command.Getty Images

“I think that, with the new administration in Argentina, and the excellent relationship, we had a very, very strong relationship with Argentina, with the previous administration. Now, that just goes double in terms of the positive relationship, immediately, with this administration taking over, pursuing us, and the coordination and collaboration that has occurred since then, has been very, very strong. Therefore, we hope to continue redoubling our efforts with the United States team and the Argentine team. “We’re really excited about it,” Richardson described.

One of the concerns that arose in Richardson’s talk was, precisely, the future of the Chinese and Conae space observation station in Neuquén, under the scrutiny of the United States since its birth. Richardson said that it is a “great concern,” but, when asked if the United States recommends closing the station, he maintained that Argentina is a “sovereign country.”

“As we work with them, we obviously share our concerns about what type of facility it is, that they don’t have access to it, that they have a 50-year contract and that it is one of the three deep space stations that China has”Richardson said.

“Obviously, that’s a big concern for me as a military member. And then the capacity of what that station does and does for China, against allies and partners. And that is why we continue to work in collaboration with our Argentine partners,” he indicated.

The United States Air Force plane that landed this Wednesday in EzeizaX

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