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OpenAI Unveils GPT-4o: AI Model with Real-Time Reasoning in Audio, Vision, and Text

2024-05-13 21:13:53

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This new generative AI model can “reason” in real time via audio, vision and text. These new capabilities will be gradually added to ChatGPT, starting with text and image.

Published on 05/13/2024 11:13 p.m.

Reading time: 2 min

Screenshot of a computer connected to ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI, on May 7, 2024. (JEAN-MARC BARRERE / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The AI ​​revolution continues. OpenAI, the publisher of ChatGPT, presented on Monday May 13 its new generative artificial intelligence model, GPT-4o, intended to provide all its users with its most advanced capabilities in the production and understanding of text, images and sounds. and voice. “We’re really excited to bring GPT-4o to all of our free users. Paid users will continue to benefit from usage limits that are five times higher than free users.”said Mira Murati, technology director of the Californian start-up, during a live video presentation.

“But this is the first time we’ve taken a big step forward in ease of use. It’s extremely important, it’s about the future of interaction between us and machines.”, she added. OpenAI has unveiled a new model, GPT-4o (“o” for “omni”), which can “reason” in real time via audio, vision and text. These new capabilities will be gradually added to ChatGPT, starting with text and image, initially for paid subscribers, as well as free users, with limits on usage. The new version of “Voice Mode” should arrive in the coming weeks for subscribers.

With two of her colleagues, Mira Murati demonstrated how users will be able to interact with ChatGPT, during fluid conversations, reproducing in a stunning way discussions between humans. In voice mode, ChatGPT is able to read users’ emotions on faces via a smartphone camera, guide them to do breathing exercises, tell them a story or even help them solve a math problem. And users can easily interrupt it.

“You look happy. (…) Do you want to tell me what is the source of all this good humor?”asked the machine to an OpenAI engineer, who replied that he was showing the public how it is “useful and fabulous”. “Oh stop, you’re making me blush.”, she exclaimed back. At the end of 2022, with the launch of ChatGPT, OpenAI put generative AI on track, a revolution that took all the technology giants by surprise.

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