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It is very likely that the Central Bank will revise the economic growth forecast again. economist – 2024-03-27 23:27:52

2024-03-27 23:27:52

Economist Hrant Mikayelyan believes that the revision of the economic growth forecast for 2022 by the Central Bank of Armenia is due to the crisis created around Russia and other expected energy and food crises.

“All these reasons, taken together, cause the RA Central Bank to fear that the growth rates will decrease.

I’m not even sure that it will be like that, but, for example, in neighboring Georgia, they predict that the economic growth will slow down by approximately 5 percent,” the economist mentioned in a conversation with the reporter.

According to Mikayelyan, the RA Central Bank made a more modest forecast in this regard.

To the question: does he consider it possible that lowering the economic growth forecasts to 1.6 percent instead of the previous 5.3 percent is not the revision at the end of this year, Hrant Mikayelyan answered that he does not rule out such a scenario.

“It is very likely that it will be revised again,” said the economist, citing the 20 percent decrease in remittances this year as a basis for the revision.

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