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India responded to US remarks on the country’s internal affairs – 2024-03-28 17:16:38

2024-03-28 17:16:38

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India’s Ministry of External Affairs has objected to US remarks about trials in the country relating to India’s internal affairs. This is stated in a statement by the Foreign Ministry, Day.Az reports with reference to

“We strongly object to the comments made by the US State Department spokesperson regarding certain legal proceedings in India,” the statement said.

The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that legal processes in the country are based on the independent judicial system of India, which “strives for objective and timely results.”

The department added that “offensive statements” in this situation are unfounded.

The statement was issued by the ministry in response to the US State Department saying it was closely following information regarding the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and calling on India for a transparent and fair trial. Previously, Kejriwal was detained as part of a case of possible corruption and money laundering.

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