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“Frankly dangerous”: near Lyon, the 50 km/h limit on the A7 in the morning makes people cringe

2024-04-03 08:38:32

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A highway at 50 km/h, Lyon motorists had never seen that. Since March 20, on the A7, on the outskirts of Lyon, on a stretch of eight kilometers between Ternay and Feyzin, they must now ease up every morning between 7 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. The Rhône prefecture has in fact decided, only in this sector, to lower the maximum authorized speed during the week to 50 km/h during peak hours, and to set up a lane reserved for carpooling.

Behind this initiative, there is the virtuous idea of ​​reducing noise and air pollution and making traffic flow more smoothly. But in reality, nothing goes as planned…

“Big security problems”, according to the mayor of Vienna

“It is clear that this limitation of 50 km/h is absolutely not realistic and, therefore, not respected,” denounces Thierry Kovacs, LR mayor of Vienne in Isère, who regularly takes the A7 to get to Lyon. According to him, “the speed differences between the few vehicles that respect this limitation and all the others, which continue to drive at much higher speeds, even lead to major safety problems. »

On this section of three-lane motorway, drivers anxious to comply with the new speed restrictions also complain about being honked at and express their fear of being hit by careless drivers: “It’s frankly dangerous! I have the impression that this section of the motorway is more accident-prone than before,” confides a user of the A7 crossing in Feyzin.

Another was flashed: “I’m angry. Driving at 50 km/h on a highway is very complicated. I explained it to the police.” Upset against the State’s decision, Thierry Kovacs, the mayor of Vienna, for his part, decided, in his capacity as an elected official, to contact the regional prefect, “so that she reverses this unreasonable reduction in 50 km/h.

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