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Residents reject construction of landfill – 2024-04-03 09:01:39

This Thursday morning, residents of the El Zompopo community and the Cutumay Camones community in the department of Santa Ana, protested in front of the Office of the Attorney General for the Defense of Human Rights (PDDH), for the construction of a new landfill near their community.

They ask Human Rights to issue precautionary measures against the Ministry of the Environment and the mayor of Santa Ana to stop the construction.

According to the inhabitants, the landfill is built on land very close to the homes and they fear that bad odors and the proliferation of vectors will affect the health of the families.

The protesters were supported by the National Environmental Coordinator, which for years has opposed the construction of the landfill in that place.

The Human Rights Attorney, David Morales, received the complaint from the inhabitants and will request reports to expedite the PDDH’s investigation into the landfill operation.

The sanitary landfill is one of the options proposed by the mayors of the municipalities of Santa Ana to solve the problem of transporting and final disposal of garbage.

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