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Fernán Quirós: “The decline in mosquitoes will be in its final phase in the next week and a half”

2024-04-04 14:29:37

“We have 200 egg-laying traps that detect where there is a Temples of the Egyptians adult, and with the annual registration we see that at the end of October some positive traps begin to appear; By early December, that number reaches 5% or 10%; in January, 20% or 30%; and at the end of March there is a greater presence with 80%; and From the first week of April it begins to decrease very quickly“, explained the Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Fernan Quiroson the evolution of the life cycle of the mosquitoes that transmit dengue.

“The latest reading shows almost the same, which means that In the next week and a half this will be in its final phase“Quirós anticipated when the mosquito plague could end, at least until the heat returns. “The most labile time of the mosquito cycle is August and September, because there are no adults and there are only eggs, so if you brush and throw boiling water where there are eggs, the mass of mosquitoes in the summer will decrease critically,” he noted. When will it be necessary to fight Aedes Aegypti again, to avoid another dengue outbreak in spring.

“PAHO and WHO recommended develop public, focused and segmented campaigns, given that the vaccine has not been on the market for a long time,” Quirós told El Disparador (Delta 90.3), responding to what the health strategy should be. And he endorsed the use of the vaccine: “The ANMAT approved its use from the age of 4 and without age limit, but I would wait for there to be a little more information in the coming months.”

The vaccine has proven effective in people aged 4 to 16 years and those results can be projected to young adults, but the effectiveness in the older adults“, clarified the minister, although he stressed that its application is safe.

by RN

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