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Cenace declared itself on alert for the fourth consecutive day; These are the states without light

2024-05-14 00:19:38

The National Energy Control Center (Pricing) reported this Friday May 10 that CThe alert will continue for the fourth consecutive day of the National Interconnected System.

This means that several states of the Mexican Republic will not have electricity and will experience blackouts as in previous days.

Here we tell you What are the states that were left without electricity? this Friday, May 10, Mother’s Day.

20 states reported blackouts this May 10

According to the reports that were received this May 10 by the authorities, at least 20 states were affected by the Alert Operational Status in the National Interconnected System.

The entities that reported blackouts As a result of this situation were:

  • Aguascalientes
  • Campeche
  • Chiapas
  • Mexico City (CDMX)
  • Colima
  • Mexico state
  • Guanajuato
  • Hidalgo
  • Michoacan
  • New Lion
  • Oaxaca
  • Puebla
  • Queretaro
  • Quintana Roo
  • San Luis Potosi
  • Sinaloa
  • Tamaulipas
  • Veracruz
  • Yucatan
  • Zacatecas

This May 10 It was the fourth day in a row where the state of emergency was presented by Cenace, due to a combination of factors, among which are high temperatures, and the great demand for electrical energy.

The most read about Mexico

Colonies in the Toluca Valley were left without electricity, due to a state of alert in the National Electric System (Crisanta Espinosa Aguilar)

Cenace announces alert for blackouts for the fourth consecutive day

He Pricing shared that, as of 9:40 a.m. on Friday, May 10, it was declared Alert Operational Status in the National Interconnected Systemwhich translates into blackouts in several states.

According to Cenace, “it will carry out the necessary operational actions” in this fourth day of alert.

“As of 09:40 a.m. on May 10, 2024, an Operational State of Alert is declared in the National Interconnected System, so Cenace will carry out the necessary operational actions.”


Pricing (Pricing)

In the previous 3 days, some of the entities affected by this state of alert were:

  • Hidalgo
  • Mexico state
  • Tamaulipas
  • New Lion
  • Guanajuato
  • Queretaro
  • Michoacan
  • Veracruz

Cenace closes with maximum consumption of 44 thousand megawatts on May 10

According to the page of the Pricingthe maximum consumption for Friday, May 10 was expected de 49 mil megawatts in the National Interconnected System.

While this was just a prediction, the final figures of the day were shared in their report at 00:27 hours.

According to the agency, the gross demand at the end of May 10 It was located at 44 thousand 055 megawattswhile the net forecast was located at 44 mil 115 megawatts.

However, it should be noted that the information presented on its page is indicative in nature and its objective is “only to show the behavior of the Operation of the National Electrical System.”

Final demand of the National Intercom System of May 10

Final demand of the National Intercom System of May 10 (Pricing)

2024-05-14 00:19:38

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