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The tender clip of Lucas and Maite from Big Brother after confirming their relationship – 2024-05-12 01:32:44

2024-05-12 01:32:44

The couple who met on the reality show has publicly demonstrated their love on social networks with tender messages.

After weeks of speculation, the former reality kids Lucas Crespo and Maite Philipps They confirmed their romance and from there they have not stopped sharing each other tender messages in social networks.

The couple put an end to the rumors on April 16, when they revealed that after their participation in Big Brother Chile A bond arose between the two that ended in a relationship.

“We are chatting, I am in love. “He is a sweetheart, he has been great with me,” said the 22-year-old girl.

But the influencer has not shown himself to be less hooked on it, and that is why evenor has made it clear that he loves her by sharing a romantic video.

The romantic interactions between Lucas and Maite after confirming their romance

It was through his Instagram account, where Lucas Crespo He shared a video in which he and Maite are seen very much in love playing in different facilities in an apartment. In the images you can see both competing in a pool table, an arcade machine for the game Mortal Kombat and a taca taca.

In addition, the influencer’s record had the phrase: “Always a team, but sometimes you have to compete”.

While in the description, Crespo wrote next to a heart: “Playing with my pretty girl.”

For her part, Maite Phillips commented: “What a way to have a good time with you, laughter is never lacking”. Something that was answered with: “I love you you have done! From here to the pool world championship.”

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