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“The library is good on the weekends” Current status of former Chairman Han Dong-hoon

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“I saw it at the library.” Eyewitness accounts pour in among netizens


It is becoming a hot topic as a series of eyewitness accounts claim that former Chairman Han Dong-hoon, who resigned from his position as Chairman of the People Power Party’s Emergency Response Committee after taking responsibility for the crushing defeat in the April 10 general election, was seen at a library in Seoul.

On the 11th, an article titled ‘I just saw Minister Han Dong-hoon at Yangjae Library’ was posted on the online community ‘DC Inside’.

Mr. A said, “I saw him a few days ago, and he came again today,” adding, “He was in the open room on the second floor. “People were polite and didn’t disturb much, and there were a few people who asked for autographs or took pictures,” she said.

He said, “Today, I got an autograph of a book I had. He said, ‘You’re reading a good book,’ as if he knew this book.” Also, “(Former Chairman Han) was wearing a cat T-shirt. Maybe he should have taken a picture of himself looking at a book. “It’s been there since the morning, and it looks like the minister just arrived,” he said.

In the photo of the book released by Mr. A, he said, “The library is good on the weekend. The former chairman’s signature was written along with the phrase, “Be happy always.”

The article was posted around 2 p.m. on this day, and since then, eyewitness accounts have poured in that former Chairman Han was seen in and around the library in Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul.

Another netizen, Mr. B, told the story of seeing former Chairman Han at the same library and revealed several photos of former Chairman Han taking pictures with citizens or reading.

Mr. B said, “Because it was a library, people quietly approached (former Chairman Han) while he was reading a book and asked for his signature and to take a picture.” He added, “When (former Chairman Han) went to pick up a book, he carefully asked everyone to sign and take a picture.” “I did it,” he said, conveying the situation at the time.

The photo released by Mr. B shows former Chairman Han standing in front of a bookshelf or taking pictures with citizens.

In addition, netizens who reported seeing former Chairman Han at the library provided eyewitness accounts such as, ‘Former Chairman Han wiped away the water from the drink he left on the table with his sleeve when he moved from one seat to another in the library,’ and ‘When asked how he was doing, he answered ‘yes.’’ reported.


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