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The secret “bomb” of Armenians in Russia is a wake-up call for Moscow – 2024-03-28 05:39:26

2024-03-28 05:39:26

Author: Takhmaz Asadov

The tragedy that occurred at Crocus City Hall in Russia continues to be the object of manipulation by some forces. The Armenian lobby in Russia and the network financed by Armenian oligarchs seem to be particularly interested in this. Members of this network are trying in every possible way to take advantage of this in order to conduct an anti-Azerbaijani and generally anti-Islamic campaign.

The “activities” of Russian journalist Vladimir Solovyov in this direction attract attention. Thus, the information provocation aimed at linking the horrific terrorist attack committed in the Crocus City Hall concert hall with Azerbaijan gives convincing reasons to believe that he is leading another slanderous campaign based on the order. V. Solovyov’s attempt to find an “Azerbaijani trace” in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall stems from his pro-Armenian position.

It is clear that he takes every opportunity to speak out against Azerbaijan. If Solovyov is really concerned about the question of who carried out the terrorist attack, then he better reconsider the video materials being distributed. Because opinions have been expressed about the participation of Armenians in this terrorist attack, and even information has been spread that terrorists use curse words in Armenian. It is possible that the Armenian network could have asked Solovyov to “target” the Azerbaijanis in order to divert attention from the Armenians.

A Russian journalist is engaged in disorienting society. The desire of an active member of the Armenian network, V. Solovyov, to emphasize in every possible way that the space where the terrorist attack took place “belongs to ethnic Azerbaijanis” is the speech of the Armenian lobby, designed to disrupt normal relations between Baku and Moscow. Such tragedies can happen anywhere, but Solovyov’s illogical search for a connection between Azerbaijanis and terror is nothing more than a redirection of events in a completely different direction.

As for Solovyov, who forever sold his convictions and principles in exchange for Armenian money, it would be better for him to look at what the Armenians, whose money he uses with such pleasure, are doing.


Soloviev, who goes out of his way to accuse Muslims and Azerbaijanis of terrorism, should know that, unlike Muslim citizens of Russia, Armenians constantly betrayed the country in difficult times. Today, the attempt of the Armenian network to incite ethnic and religious problems uncharacteristic for Russia is also a continuation of betrayal. Because currently the majority of the Russian population is Muslim. And the fact that Armenia, in continuation of this betrayal, is already leaning towards the West and seems determined to take steps on the orders of the West without taking into account the interests of Russia, should in fact be a signal to official Moscow.

Impunity for the presenter, whose unfounded statements create tension between Russia and its friendly countries, could worsen Moscow’s problem. One gets the impression that after each of his mistakes, his biased statements, he is given a wider space, a favorable foundation is laid for subsequent information provocations. Solovyov’s xenophobic statements about migrants, representatives of diasporas from the republics of the Caucasus and Central Asia, including from Azerbaijan, who live and work in Russia and have made a significant contribution to the life of the country, are becoming increasingly dangerous and are, first of all, a source of threat to the national security of a multinational Russian state.

marqarita simonyan

Like Solovyov, the head of the Sputnik agency, Margarita Simonyan, is also engaged in information provocations against Azerbaijan, carrying out orders from the Armenian lobby, which has taken root in the Russian media. In Russia, where there has never been Islamophobia, unlike countries such as France and the USA, attempts by people like Soloviev and his supporters, who “feed” on the finances of the Armenian lobby, to link processes with Islam and Muslims can be considered one of the prerequisites for civil conflict in Russia. Because people like Solovyov are engaged in outright information sabotage in a country where tens of millions of Muslims live. The consequence of this could be serious discontent and upheaval within Russia.

Apparently, the Armenian network assumes that in conditions of the highest level of trust and partnership, some pro-Armenian circles in Russia, through their agents in the media, will be able to organize an information provocation against Azerbaijan and instill in Russian society a feeling of hostility towards Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis. It is not surprising that Solovyov, whose programs repeatedly showed bias towards the Azerbaijani-Armenian “conflict” and a pro-Armenian position, was the leader in this slanderous campaign. The fact that his name is among the first on this list once again shows that the Armenian lobby in Russia today has become very skillful in using individuals included in this network not only against Azerbaijan, but also against the Kremlin itself.

If official Moscow delays giving a legal assessment of Vladimir Solovyov’s on-air speeches and his journalistic activities, then it will only worsen the problems within the country. Terrorism has no nationality or religion. Everyone must unite and fight against terrorism. In this struggle, the Azerbaijani state and people have always been in the forefront. Because Azerbaijan is one of the states most affected by terrorism.

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