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The release of the leaders of Los Lobos and Jorge Glas led to a ruling by the Constitutional Court – 2024-03-28 23:49:13

2024-03-28 23:49:13

For regular las precautionary measuresthe Constitutional Court analyzed four processes in which the judges benefited 23 convicted by serious crimes.

One of them is the caution granted in March 2023 to Luis Alfredo Arboleda, alias Gordo Luisidentified by police as one of the ringleaders from Los Lobos gang.

The judge of Flavius, Alfaro Byron Orejuelaaccepted the argument that your health was at risk for his problem of obesity y ordered are freedomignoring the sentences in firm that he fulfilled in the Jail of Latacunga for the crimes of illegal possession of armas y weapons trafficking.

The judge extended the benefit to Jairo Zambranoanother member of The Wolves sentenced for drug trafficking.

Another case is that of Jorge Glasin November of 2022, while fulfilling his two final sentences in the Prison 4 of Quitopresented a caution in other jurisdiction.

The judge of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Emerson Curipallo, accepted his application y ordered his freedomdespite the fact that he had to serve his sentences of 6 and 8 years of prison by illicit association y bribery by plots of corruption of Odebrecht y bribes.

It is now known that Curipallo sold his sentencesaccording to the charges that the Prosecutor’s Office presented against him in the Metastasis Casehe points out to collect USD 200 mil by release a two members from red of the drug dealer Leandro Norero. Curipallo is no longer a judge and is arrested.

The remaining causes analyzed by the Constitutional Court son precautionary measures granted by Gina Marisol Zambranojudge of Montecristi, with a long history of illegal releases to those sentenced by of irregularities: extended the benefit to third parties y violated the competition for territorywell since Manabi, ordered to release a prisoners that were in prisons from other provinces.

In the list of prisoners what did you recieve release ticket from Judge Zambrano are convicts by femicide, hitman, violent deaths, sexual crimes y drug trafficking.

Zambrano has already been dismissed, she is being prosecuted for prevaricationhas a prison order, but is fugitiveaccording to immigration records, left the country in October 2023 toward USA.

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