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The Region of Epirus “travels” to Cyprus – 2024-03-29 20:08:10

2024-03-29 20:08:10

Economy Editorial Room

The Region of Epirus will participate in TRAVEL EXPO CYPRUS in Nicosia, which will take place between 19-21 April 2024, continuing the targeted promotion of the destination “Epirus” in the tourist market of Cyprus.

This is a participation that began in 2004 and since then has continued with particularly positive results in terms of the increase in the number of Cypriots visiting Epirus.

The event will be hosted at the “Cyprus State Exhibition” exhibition space and the Region of Epirus will be a co-exhibitor at the EOT stand, while in addition to the overall presentation of the tourism product of Epirus, there will also be meetings with Cypriot travel agents.

The Region will host at its stand representatives of Municipalities, Chambers, Hoteliers Associations and in general tourism agencies and businesses whose headquarters are located within the Region of Epirus.

A necessary condition for hospitality at the Epirus Region stand is to send the completed participation form to the email: [email protected] by Wednesday, March 27. Sending the completed form to the above email address is equivalent to accepting the terms of participation.

It is pointed out that the style of the Epirus Region and EOT stand is specific and therefore no co-exhibitor is allowed to incorporate their own constructions, photos, projection screens or other decorative elements into the space.

It is also known that the Region of Epirus will undertake to transfer informative material, in Greek or English (up to 30 pieces), of businesses and organizations to be distributed at the exhibition.

The material should be presented or sent by the interested parties to office 143 of the District administration (Pyrrhos Square 1, Ioannina tk 45332) marked “Materials for the exhibition TRAVEL EXPO CYPRUS 2024” no later than Wednesday, March 27 and time 13:00.

For more information, those interested can visit the website of the exhibition or contact the Director of the Department of Lifelong Learning, Employment, Trade and Tourism of the Region of Epirus, Iulia Markoula, at the email [email protected]


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