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The EU and the US want to use Armenia to create new problems in the region – 2024-03-29 05:07:25

2024-03-29 05:07:25

The West cannot be expected to take an impartial and fair approach to the issue of peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

As Day.Az reports, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Turkic World of UNEC, Professor at Uludag University Mehmet Yuce told Trend about this.

He noted that the victory of Azerbaijan in the second Karabakh war and the liberation of its lands led to the formation of a new reality in the region. Azerbaijan is becoming an increasingly powerful player in the region. At the same time, the EU and the US want to use Armenia to create new problems in the region.

“Therefore, one cannot expect an impartial and fair approach from the West on the issue of peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. It acts on this issue from the position of the Armenian side. The EU-Armenia-US meeting in Brussels on April 5 should be considered in this context,” M said .Yuje.

He noted that the West’s goal is not to ensure peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

“On the contrary, this is strengthening influence in the region by increasing the confrontation between the two countries,” M. Yuce said.

As for the silence of Iran, which called intervention in the region by third-party states a “red line” for itself, then, according to him, Iran, following its traditional policy, far from reality and truth, at every step demonstrates its position against the strengthening of Azerbaijan in the region.

Iran’s “red lines” relate to Azerbaijan and Turkey. All his lines regarding Armenia are “green,” M. Yuce said.

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