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Scandal in Etoudi: Oswalde Baboke invests 2 billion in a luxury cabaret! – 2024-03-27 18:33:24

2024-03-27 18:33:24

This is exclusive and shocking information revealed by which risks causing a stir in the upper echelons of Cameroonian power. Oswalde Baboke, the very influential deputy director of the civil cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic, has just inaugurated with great fanfare an ultra chic restaurant-cabaret-lounge in Bastos, the upscale district of Yaoundé. Baptized “Continent 237”, this temple dedicated to partying and alcohol would have cost a whopping 2 billion FCFA. An astronomical sum which raises many questions about the origin of this fortune.

A pharaonic investment that questions

To carry out his pharaonic project, Oswalde Baboke did not skimp on means. According to our information, he completely razed two buildings located near the German embassy, ​​including the former residence of Rigobert Song, the former coach of the Indomitable Lions. Instead, he built a veritable palace from the thousand and one nights, with luxury equipment and furniture.

Swimming pool, terraces, bars, restaurants, private lounges: nothing is missing in this unique place which aims to become the new meeting place for the Yaoundean jet-set. The prices are commensurate with the services, much higher than in competing establishments like the “ Famous » by Israeli businessman Eran Moas. A daring bet for someone who was until then only known for his pastoral and oil activities.

The juicy business of nocturnal pleasures

Because Oswalde Baboke, father of the Church of his state, no longer hesitates to play on all fronts. After making his fortune in oil thanks to his strategic position as president, he threw himself headlong into the very lucrative business of nocturnal pleasures. Even if it means damaging his image as an ascetic religious person and attracting the wrath of right-thinking people.

But what does it matter what people say about it for the one who now seems to be rolling in gold. With such an investment, there is no doubt that Oswalde Baboke intends to make his luxury cabaret profitable and reap maximum dividends. A jackpot which will be added to his already comfortable nest egg, he who prides himself on “earn your income from your salaries“. A little sentence full of innuendo which says a lot about the opacity which surrounds the fortune of the deputy director of the civil cabinet.

The Republic of Business and Privileges

Beyond the Baboke case, this affair highlights the excesses of a system where senior state executives no longer hesitate to happily mix private business and public service. An unhealthy promiscuity which fuels all suspicions of conflicts of interest and embezzlement. How can a senior civil servant flaunt his wealth to this extent without raising questions about his probity?

This is the whole problem of a Republic of privileges where some seem above the laws and the rules of transparency. Where belonging to the first circles of power confers impunity and almost unlimited privileges. Where money flows freely in pretty private rooms while the people tighten their belts. A reality which will not fail to shock public opinion in a country mired in poverty.

Faced with such abuses, civil society and the media have a crucial monitoring and warning role. This matter must be clarified and Oswalde Baboke must explain the origin of his funds. The State must carry out a thorough investigation and, if necessary, sanction all violations noted. It is a question of public hygiene and social justice. Otherwise, the entire pact of trust between those who govern and those who are governed is dangerously shaken. And it’s not the jokes of “Continent 237” that will change anything.

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