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Resolutions awarding contract revoked – 2024-03-30 07:56:04

2024-03-30 07:56:04

The Foreign Ministry announced that once the legal analyzes were carried out, the decision was made to revoke the resolutions that awarded the tender for the issuance of passports to Thomas Greg & Sons. Three documents that, if materialized, would total almost 600,000 million pesos and that were issued by the previous Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry.

“They were issued outside of any legal framework,” stated the Foreign Ministry. “This, in order to guarantee the principle of legality and the constitutional principles of the administrative function.” The entity indicated and added that together with the National Legal Defense Agency of the State, they presented the corresponding complaints for investigation. The alleged commission of crimes associated with the issuance of said administrative acts.

Regarding the passport issuance service in Colombia and abroad. The Foreign Ministry assured that it is guaranteed that the company that currently provides the service. Complete the contract until its end on October 2, 2024, without setbacks.

“Meanwhile, the ongoing comprehensive review will be completed. To define the best option to contract a new passport issuance service. With adequate technical, technological and financial support, starting in October,” added the Foreign Ministry.

On the other hand, the Foreign Ministry announced that any process that involves the issuance of passports for Colombians. If they request the document, it will be carried out as normal until October 2, 2024, the date on which the current contract with Thomas Greg & Sons for nearly 198,000 million pesos ends.

After this date, that is, October 3, the Government should already have a new company hired (after opening a new tender) to carry out the issuance of passports in the country.

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