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PPP’s vote does not reach parliament, Hasto PDIP talks about political operations – 2024-03-28 00:36:56

2024-03-28 00:36:56

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Secretary General of PDI Perjuangan Hasto Kristiyanto at his political party office, Jakarta, Monday (25/3). Aristo/JPNN

jpnn.comJAKARTA – PDI Perjuangan Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said there was an extraordinary political operation to reduce PPP votes in the 2024 election so that the political party bearing the Kaaba symbol did not pass the threshold or parlementary threshold (PT) four percent.

He said this when asked by media crew at the PDI Perjuangan DPP office, Central Jakarta, Monday (25/3) about PPP’s vote being less than four percent.

“This is an extraordinary political operation, which is no longer accepted by norms and ethics,” said Hasto, Monday.

The Defense University (Unhan) alumnus said that the political operation was based on parties whose ambition was to seize power without ethics, morals and straddling the law.

“This is a murky period for Indonesia’s future direction,” continued Hasto.

He said that PDI Perjuangan is actually a party that cares about PPP so that political parties with a green color can remain in parliament.

Because, said Hasto, PDI Perjuangan Chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri was mandated by the charismatic Rembang cleric, Maimun Zubair, to help PPP remain in parliament.

“We provide the highest solidarity, because we do not want to eliminate the Kaaba party,” he said.

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto smells that there is an extraordinary political operation to reduce PPP votes in the 2024 election.

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