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Passport application will normally be made until October – 2024-03-29 22:39:57

2024-03-29 22:39:57

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After the Government’s decision to revoke the resolutions signed by the former Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry José Antonio Salazar was announced, which awarded the tender for the issuance of passports in Colombia for almost 600,000 million pesos to Thomas Greg & Sons. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that the current contract with said company will continue until October. In that order of ideas, the passport application will continue as normal.

According to the Foreign Ministry, any process that involves the issuance of passports for Colombians who request the document will be carried out completely normally until October 2, 2024, the date on which the current contract with Thomas Greg & Sons ends for about 198,000 million pesos.

After this date, that is, October 3, the Government should already have a new company hired (after opening a new tender) to carry out the issuance of passports in the country.

In that sense, all Colombians who have an appointment or are managing the issuance of the document. They can continue with the process without problems, until the first days of October.

“The passport issuance service in Colombia and abroad is guaranteed. The company that currently provides the service reiterated, in writing, that it will fulfill contract 356, until its completion on October 2, 2024. Without setbacks,” indicated the Foreign Ministry.

Finally, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government will define “the best option” that allows contracting a new passport issuance service. With adequate technical, technological and financial support, starting in October 2024. Meanwhile, the passport application will continue to be carried out as it has been done throughout this time.

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