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Orange alert activated due to high temperatures in 13 municipalities

2024-05-13 10:29:16

He heat in Mexico City (CDMX) gives no respite and the capital authorities have already activated the Orange alert by high temperatures in 13 mayoralties; Find out what they are about.

This was announced by the Secretariat of Comprehensive Risk Management and Civil Protection (PC) through its social networks on the afternoon of May 10in order to provide citizens with the weather conditions that will be held this Saturday.

In this sense, the agency warned that high temperatures are expected that could go from 31 to 33 degrees Celsius in a period of 12:00 to 19:00 hours.

So pay close attention, because if you live in any of the following mayorshipsit will be necessary that extreme precautions in the face of the strong heat that is predicted for this May 11.

What are the 13 municipalities with an orange alert due to high temperatures?

Due to the high temperatures in CDMX, Civil Protection activated the Orange alert in the following 13 mayoralties During this Saturday, May 11:

  • Alvaro Obregon
  • Azcapotzalco
  • Benito Juarez
  • Coyoacan
  • Cuauhtemoc
  • Gustavo A. Madero
  • Iztacalco
  • Iztapalapa
  • Miguel Hidalgo
  • Tlahuac
  • Tlalpan
  • Venustiano Carranza
  • Xochimilco

It should be noted that the National Water Commission (With water) had anticipated that the May 11the high temperatures contemplated in the heat wave that has hit various states in Mexico, would begin to decrease.

These are the recommendations in the face of the high temperatures of CDMX

Due to high temperatures that are foreseen in the CDMXthe authorities urged the population to follow a series of recommendations to avoid any damage to health in the midst of this hello of heat.

Below we present the tips issued by Civil protection to deal with the activation of the orange alert in 13 municipalities:

  • Use sunblock
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun
  • Do not carry out intense activities under the sun’s rays
  • Try not to eat in public, because food tends to decompose quickly.

Additionally, in case you experience a heatstrokeas a result of the high temperatures expected in CDMX for this May 11, the Health Secretary has made certain suggestions.

This you can do:

  • Locate yourself in a cool, shady place with good ventilation.
  • Place wet tissues on your body, focusing on your forehead and the back of your neck.
  • Drink plain water in small sips
  • Go to the nearest health unit

Recommendations for the high temperatures of CDMX (Gabriela Pérez Montiel | Cuartoscuro)

What does the activation of the orange alert in CDMX mean?

Activation of the orange alert in 13 mayors of CDMX has raised doubts on social networks, because although it is common for these alarms to be warned During hot weather, color has worried the capital’s residents.

In this sense, the capital authorities launch the orange alert when temperatures range between 31 to 33 degrees Celsius, as expected on Saturday, May 11.

However, there are other ranges in this traffic light used to measure the severity of heat waves; these are:

  • Green alert: Normal temperature, a maximum of 28 degrees is expected
  • Yellow alert: Temperatures between 28 and 30 degrees
  • Orange alert: Temperatures between 31 and 33 degrees
  • Red Alert: Temperatures between 34 and 36 degrees
  • Purple Alert: It is the most, temperatures above 36 degrees are expected here

Heat in CDMX (Cuartoscuro / Graciela López Herrera)

2024-05-13 10:29:16

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