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Olympic Games: Call for foreign soldiers and police to strengthen security

2024-03-29 18:20:31

Poland confirms the sending of armed forces to join “the international coalition” and secure the event. The French Ministry of the Armed Forces, however, denies the concept of coalition and prefers to refer to it as a “reinforcement”. The Interior Ministry also claims to have requested more than 2,000 reinforcements from foreign countries. A real challenge when we know that French soil has been at the highest level of “attack emergency” since this Sunday March 24 with the Vigipirate plan, four months before the Olympics.

Guillaume Ancel, former army officer, expressed this Friday March 29 to what extent “ it’s a very good idea» at the microphone ofRMC . Indeed, ” call on allied countries to help us with such a major event [va permettre d’apporter] rare technicalities“. Of the 46 “foreign partners” requested by the Ministry of the Interior, more than 35 responded favorably. In fact, 35,000 members of the police are expected to be deployed during the Games. During the opening ceremony, this figure would even rise to 45,000 in order to guarantee security on the Seine. The Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, announces 18,000 French soldiers who can be mobilized for the event, including 3,000 aviators for aerial surveillance.

Place Beauvau states that it is “take into account the spectator experience, respond to the capacity challenge of the Games and strengthen international cooperation.An opportunity that Poland seized to send 40 police officers and 13 dog crews. The latter will be particularly useful, a manager of the National Training Center for dog technical units of the national police recognizing, to theAFPthat he “there’s a little tension”on the “dog market”. However, they are essential to ensure the security of the event, making it possible, for example, to detect explosive materials.

This deployment then questions Ukrainian needs as well as French capabilities for an event of this magnitude. The shares taken by each country during these Games seem confused. Let us hope that everyone finds their place in this collaboration, which cannot be described as a coalition.

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