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Japan intends to resume its funding for UNRWA soon »

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Japan announced that it intends soon to resume its funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which it froze after the Zionist entity accused a number of the relief agency’s employees of involvement in the October 7 attack.

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement, “Japan and UNRWA confirm that they will move forward with final coordination of the necessary efforts to resume the Japanese contribution” to funding the UN agency.

The statement came following a meeting held by Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa in Tokyo on Thursday with UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini.

The statement quoted Kamikawa as stressing to Lazzarini the need for UNRWA to take “effective” measures to improve its management, enhance its transparency, track its funds, and ensure the “neutrality” of its employees.

A United Nations spokeswoman said last week that the independent committee responsible for assessing UNRWA’s neutrality issued an interim report in which it identified “critical areas” that should be addressed.

The committee is expected to issue its final report by April 20, and UNRWA has been suffering from a deep crisis since the Zionist entity accused about ten of the relief agency’s 13,000 employees working in the Gaza Strip of involvement in the attack launched by Hamas against the Hebrew state on October 7.

Source: Agence France-Presse

2024-04-04 07:06:35

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