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Inhabitants of the largest settlement in Chile protest to avoid eviction – 2024-03-29 00:13:53

2024-03-29 00:13:53

The territory made up of 260 hectares inhabited by nearly 3,000 families will have to be evacuated in six months.

Those who live in the largest intake in Chile, located on the La Virgen de San Antonio hill, cut off traffic during the morning of this Monday, March 25, towards the port city in the middle of rush hour.

With screams and barricadesthey protested against the Supreme Court ruling and the imminent eviction order.

Ratification was granted on Friday March 22thagreeing to what was indicated above by the Court of Appeals of Valparaíso after accepting an appeal for protection presented by the San Antonio Real Estate and Construction Company.

The judicial resolution and the eviction order for the largest occupation in Chile

The highest court in the country approved what was indicated by the Court of Appealsthat is to say, vacate the land that is taken in it La Virgen hilllocated between San Antonio and Cartagena.

The territory is made up of 260 hectares inhabited by about 3,000 families. This is how it is constituted the largest takeover in Chile.

In the place you can see light material housing, stores y Street lightingwhich come from illegal connections to power lines.

As indicated by the Supreme Court, those who live in the camp They have six months to get out of there.. Based on this, They must remove all their belongings, including buildings.

If the above is not achieved within the stipulated period, public force intervention was authorized.

For its part, the existence of this shot prevented the construction of the northern access to the citywhich was part of the National Port Development Plan.

What are the inhabitants asking for with these protests?

Among the requests by the inhabitants of the settlement is, in addition to receive a housing solutionwhat the government buys the territory where their buildings are located.

Karina Ayala spokesperson for Nuevos Aires sectorwas disappointed with the outcome of the meeting, to which she said: “Just pills, There is no agreement signed by the Government y They want to remove us from a place where we have built a neighborhood. The cadastre is badly spent money because it doesn’t work for us,” he asserted.

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