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Heat wave will cause the Tamaulipas government to take urgent measures

2024-05-10 20:09:29

The state government of Tamaulipas announced that some will be launched urgent measures before the hello of heat that is hitting the entity and the entire country.

Because during the next few days an increase in temperatures is expected due to the hello of heathe government of Tamaulipas reported that the Contingency Plan.

In this regard, the authorities indicated that in the next 10 days, temperatures will be recorded that will range between 40 and 48 degrees centigrade, so they will apply urgent measures.

Heat in Mexico (Daniel Augusto / Cuartoscuro)

Government of Tamaulipas will implement urgent actions due to heat wave

In the next 10 days, the status of Tamaulipas will experience the maximum peak of the current hello of heatfor which the authorities of the entity announced the application of urgent measures.

Regarding the forecasts of the National Meteorological Service (SMN) regarding what will be recorded until 48 degrees Celsiusextreme heat is expected to hit most of the territory Tamaulipas.

Given this, the government of Tamaulipas reported that actions will be deployed with the aim of protecting to the school community, older adults and people with chronic illnesses.

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In this regard, the owner of the Health Secretary of the state government, Vicente Joel Hernández Navarro, explained that the Incident Command for the Attention of Heat waves.

The unit that is made up of the With waterthe State Coordination of Civil Protection and the Ministry of Education, will be in charge of designing and implementing inter-institutional actions.

These are the urgent measures that the government of Tamaulipas will apply due to the heat wave

As part of the urgent measures to protect the population from hello of heatthe government of Tamaulipas ordered the activation of an epidemiological alert to disseminate preventive measures:

  • Virtual classes in schools with the highest risk of exposure to high temperatures
  • Adequate ventilation in school classrooms where in-person activities continue
  • Avoid physical activities such as exercise or sports games from 11 in the morning until 6 in the afternoon
  • Avoid any type of activities that involve exposure to the sun during the designated hours
  • Constantly provide water to students who will continue in face-to-face activities
  • The general population is recommended to avoid being in the sun’s rays.
  • Stay hydrated with water frequently
  • Pay special care to people who suffer from chronic diseases, as well as older adults

Heat in Mexico (Graciela López Herrera / Cuartoscuro)

2024-05-10 20:09:29

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