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Deputies of the 2024-2027 legislature form new work commissions – 2024-05-14 12:00:29

2024-05-14 12:00:29

After the deputies approved, with 57 votes, to reduce the number of commissions in the first plenary session of the new legislature for the 2024-2027 period, today four of the eight work tables that will operate permanently were installed.

The decision to reduce the number of commissions – previously there were 20 – was with the objective of making the study of laws, their reforms more efficient and analyzing measures that benefit the population in general.

“The eight commissions, which were created after the reform of the Internal Regulations of the Legislative Assembly (RIAL), will address the same topics as the 20 commissions of the past. The work will now be more efficient and the resources will be better used,” said the President of the Legislative Assembly, Ernesto Castro.

According to Deputy Castro, who called on legislators to establish the first activities, this May 13 the Finance and Special Budget Commission would be installed; the Commission of Salvadorans Abroad, Legislation and Government; the National Security and Justice Commission; and the Infrastructure and Territorial Development Commission.

While on May 14, the work tables that will be installed are the Commission on Children and Social Integration; Technology, Tourism and Investment Commission; Health, Agriculture and Environment Commission; and the Political Commission.

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