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Breast lump removal, Monza leads the way: now you can avoid surgery

2024-03-29 02:28:00

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Removal of breast lumps, in Monza you can avoid surgery thanks to the probe “Mammotome EX

And new tool high technology for the removal of breast lumps which in many cases can avoid surgery. It’s about the probe Mammotome EXan advanced sampling system with assisted vacuum aspiration, designed to offer precision, reliability and comfort for both the patient and the operator, with the possibility of removing greater quantities of tissue compared to normal procedures withdrawal options available on the market so far. The purpose is to contribute to a more precise diagnosis and accurate and the possibility of entirely removing benign breast nodules up to 6 centimeters in size.

This procedure is indicated after a joint evaluation between the breast expert radiologist and the breast surgeon, to choose the cases where the use of Mammotome EX is the best option for the patient. The use of the equipment was presented during the European Radiology Congress which was held in Vienna recently. The Congress was attended by Dr. Anna Abate, Head of the Breast Diagnostics Structure and Dr. Riccardo Giovanazzi, Director of Breast Surgery and Breast Unit.

“The fight against breast cancer involves finding increasingly innovative solutions for early diagnosis and the most effective treatment – underlines the doctor Youths -. Normally i benign nodules of the breast are removed, when indicated, with a day hospital surgical procedure which requires surgical access with an incision in the breast. Although this is performed in our Breast Unit with oncoplastic attention, the use of Mammotome EX It allows the removal of the lump through a small hole in the skin without causing the scar as in surgery and possible deformities of the breast. The procedure takes place on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia. La joint evaluation between a breast surgeon and an expert radiologist in breast medicine it is fundamental in the selection of the patient who may be a candidate for removal with Mammotome EX instead of open surgery”.

The instrument was donated to the Breast Diagnostics facility of IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori Foundation (Monza) by the PerLe Noi ODV Association which supports diagnosis and treatment activities for patients who turn to the Breast Unit. The service, subject to specialist evaluation, is available as part of the diagnosis and treatment path offered by Breast Unit of the IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori Foundation of Monza. “This additional equipment – adds Dr. Abate – enriches the technological availability of breast diagnostics which is always aimed at acquiring the latest innovations for the improvement of therapy and diagnostics in the breast field. The Mammotome Ex is an ultrasound-guided biopsy instrument capable of removing large quantities of tissue at high speed, allowing in some cases to avoid the stress associated with surgery. At the moment Mammotome EX is available in a small number of centers across Europe.”

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