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Amnesty International demands the release of José Daniel Ferrer – 2024-03-29 13:38:07

2024-03-29 13:38:07

The Amnesty International organization once again joined the demand for freedom of the opposition leader, José Daniel Ferrer, whose life continues to hang by a thread while he remains locked up in the Mar Verde prison, in Santiago de Cuba.

On its social networks, Amnesty International highlighted the state of health in which he is currently, which could be confirmed after his daughter’s visit to that prison a few days ago.

In this sense, he urged the appointee, Miguel Díaz-Canel, to end the injustice once and for all and release Ferrer, who did not commit any crime.

“We fear for the life of José Daniel Ferrer. After months without having contact with him, his family was able to see him on March 18 and verify the serious state of health in which the Cuban authorities keep him. Díaz-Canel is required to release him NOW!” The organization communicated in its X account.

It is important to remember that, a little over a week ago, the family of the UNPACU leader had reported not having news about his state of health, leading to demand immediate proof of life.

Later, Fátima Victoria Ferrer managed to see him in prison, but in inhumane conditions, as well as physically and mentally deteriorated.

“When he arrived at the punishment cell, he saw him lying, unable to even sit up on the floor where he was lying,” Ana Belkis Ferrer, sister of the opponent, said at that time.

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José Daniel Ferrer was kidnapped by the regime on July 11, 2021, the day of the historic protests that occurred throughout the country.

Since then, he has endured hell firsthand, and despite the henchmen’s attempt to break him, the activist remains firm in his ideals and is even willing to lose his life before bowing his head before the dictatorship.

Editorial of Cubans around the World

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