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Alex Otaola sends message from a hyperbaric chamber – 2024-03-29 09:13:07

2024-03-29 09:13:07

In the morning hours of this Wednesday some followers were somewhat concerned after seeing Alex Otaola in a hyperbaric chamber.

The activist Avana De La Torre wrote, in good Cuban, “damn, you worried me”, but he later understood the explanation offered by the influencer.

Another follower of Otaola, who signs as Maytee Mena on the social network Facebook, wrote “You gave me a scare! Greetings from Paris”.

Alex Otaola sent a message to his followers from the Anti-Communist Ranch, after some were concerned

The influencer did a live broadcast and joked as much as he could at the beginning of the live broadcast. “I am preparing to go to Mars, I am tired of Earth and I want to go live on Mars and I have come
to NASA to train me for this.”

Then, more seriously, he explained to his followers that he was in a hyperbaric chamber, taking the first session from the Anti-Communist Ranch.

Hyperbaric chambers are medical devices for applying elevated atmospheric pressure of pure oxygen to the body. Various diseases can be treated with this therapy.

“This oxygenates me, gives me vitality, “raises defenses, stops aging, develops creativity,” assured and said that “do not think about the bad”.

Many followers of Alex Otaola sent messages of encouragement and some also made fun of this moment, like the YouTuber himself who compared himself to Michael Jackson and mentioned several athletes who use this method to recover from burns or surgeries.

“The ideal is a session of one hour a day,” He added during the unique live interview that captured the attention of many people on the Internet and where he denied that he was hospitalized or that his presence in this hyperbaric chamber was related to his smoking habit.

Editorial Cubans around the World

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