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Al-Dabaiba honors a citizen who handed over a rare artifact to the Antiquities Authority

Yesterday, Monday, the Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Al-Dabaiba, honored citizen Mounir Hassan Al-Burki, who handed over a rare artifact to the Antiquities Authority.

According to the Prime Minister’s Media Office, the rare artifact is a marble head of Emperor Vita, the second son of the Roman Emperor of Libyan origin, Septimius Severus. It has a high historical value as it is considered one of the rare antiquities that survived the acts of destruction carried out by his older brother, the Emperor. “Caracalla” as part of his quest for monopoly power, which ended with the killing of “Veta” in 217 AD.

The head of the Antiquities Authority said that the artifact delivered by Al-Baraki is one of the most important pieces that will be displayed inside the National Museum.

Al-Dabaiba praised the citizen’s initiative and his delivery of the artifact, appreciating his initiative, which embodies awareness of the importance of these antiquities and their high historical value, noting the necessity of preserving them and displaying them in the National Museum as part of the nation’s memory.

The ceremony of handing over the artifact and honoring it was attended by the Minister of State for Communication and Political Affairs, the Chairman of the Committee in charge of developing and reopening the National Museum, the international expert in the field of antiquities, Hafez Al-Walda, the Head of the Tourist Police and Antiquities Protection Service, and the Head of the Antiquities Service.

Last updated: February 20, 2024 – 07:51

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