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A number of cars have dropped sharply in price – 2024-03-29 23:08:00

2024-03-29 23:08:00

In Azerbaijan, motor vehicles whose service life exceeds 15 years from the date of issue indicated in the state registration certificate cannot be used as a taxi.

As Day.Az reported on Friday, this was reflected in the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of “Requirements for technical indicators, internal and external design of vehicles used for regular passenger transportation by passenger taxi cars.”

A vehicle whose production period exceeds 8 years from the date indicated in the state registration certificate will not be issued a pass card, determined by Article 15.2 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Road Transport”.

How will this decision affect the cost of vehicles older than 15 years engaged in taxi activities?

After the new decision, the number of advertisements for the sale of Prius cars on classifieds websites increased sharply.

In his statement to Trend on this issue, transport expert Elnur Sardarli said that those involved in taxi activities mainly use Toyota Prius cars.

“After the new decision, the number of advertisements for the sale of Prius models on advertisement sites has sharply increased. If yesterday 443 Prius models were put up for sale on advertisement sites, then as of this hour the number of cars is 1200. 95 percent of those offered for sale of cars of this model are cars manufactured before 2008.

Overall, 60 percent of the Prius used in taxi service are more than 15 years old. This is about 30 thousand cars. Currently, a Prius, which until yesterday was sold for 12,500 manats, can be bought for 10,500-10,000 manats. Further price reductions are expected,” the expert noted.

Transport expert Eldeniz Jafar stressed that prices for Prius, whose production date is more than 15 years old, may decrease.

“But I don’t think that the prices for these cars will fall sharply. At one time, cars of this model were imported in large quantities to our country. Among them were both good and bad cars. If the number of taxis sharply decreases, then the use of ” , – said the expert.

According to the expert, the requirements for taxis should have been announced on January 1 of this year.

“The state, continuing its socially oriented policy, has provided some respite to those involved in taxi activities. I think this is the right step. Professional people should work in taxis,” the expert added.

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