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What are they up to? Javier Milei meets with Elon Musk for the second time in a month

2024-05-12 20:39:32

He president of Argentina, Javier Milei, met for the second time in less than a month with the businessman and owner of Tesla, Elon Musk, but why? What is behind these meetings? There are several theories.

It was April 12, Elon Musk and Javier Milei met in personas shared in X, pointing out the visit of the Argentine president to the Tesla gigafactory in Texas.

Likewise, this would be the fourth time that Javier Milei visits the United Statesin less than 6 months, that is, since he became president of Argentina, seeking investments for his country.

Javier Milei meets with Elon Musk in the United States, but why?

So much Javier Miley and Elon Musk shared that they held a meeting in USAafter agreeing on the Milken Institute global forum in which both participated today, Monday, May 6.

According to what was shared by the president’s office, in the meeting between Javier Milei and Elon Musk there were the sister and general secretary of ArgentinaKarina Milei, as well as Argentine ambassador Gerardo Werthein.

Equally, Elon Musk issued a brief message in his publication with Javier Mileypointing out that it was a great meeting and that he recommends invest in Argentinawithout giving details of whether there will be any project.

Since in the words of Javier Milei, “Argentina “It has all the conditions to be the new mecca of the West,” highlighting in his talk various achievements of his country, however El País highlights that it is not possible.

In their first meeting, the Argentine ambassador to the United Statesalso present in the meeting between Elon Musk and Javier Mileideclared that there could be an event “about demographics, technology and economic growth.”

Javier Milei recognizes ‘his friend’ Elon Musk for seeking to reach Mars

During his participation in the Milken Institute forum, Javier Miley recognized whoever called “my friend” Elon Musk who seeks to reach Marswho is claiming the great ambitions of our species.

In your message, Javier Miley declared that thanks to the ambition and creativity to search for happiness, it has been possible to reach the moon, since human beings are a species of explorers and not bureaucrats, like Elon Musk.

For the same, Javier Milei “didn’t want to stop celebrating” Elon Musk who is seeking to reach Mars because the president understands that the destiny of “our species” is special exploration.

In his talk, Javier Milei also spoke about Argentina It is going contrary to the rest of the world, since with all the changes it has undertaken, for example, in austerity, while the West focuses on economic shamanism.

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2024-05-12 20:39:32

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