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The poet refused the presidential scholarship – 2024-04-04 15:57:25

2024-04-04 15:57:25

Alasgar Ahmed

I refuse the presidential scholarship.


Recently, I was awarded a presidential scholarship by the Azerbaijan Writers Union. At first, you were thinking of accepting, because the financial situation of an Azerbaijani poet is not very good, not at all. However, my style of writing does not allow this. My wallet may run to 200 manats, but my poet nature asks “what’s in your wallet?” if asked, he should say that he does not have 200 manats. If I rebel, if I value human poetry, I cannot adapt to systematic slavery. That is, if the world is free within the framework of poetry, I must be free as well. I could take the money and write again with the same conviction, but the reader will not accept it sincerely, after all. I don’t want to hang around, I’ll write the poem I want even if I’m starving until the last poem I write. I have not applied for either scholarship or membership. They wanted to give for my creativity, but I don’t want to buy. My acceptance and refusal was a call to others, wake up. Don’t break it, try it. Of course, those who are victims of false praises and flattery can still write their own wordy poems and bow down.

I will never eat bread kneaded with blood.

Long story short: I refuse the presidential scholarship and membership. The reader should choose the poet according to his position.

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