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The People’s Rally of Epirus shapes the agenda – 2024-03-28 05:01:54

2024-03-28 05:01:54

Current Affairs Editorial Room

Two questions, one about the pollution of the “Karyda” stream in the Preveza Metropolitan Municipality and the second about the need to create a new safe National Road connecting Preveza with Igoumenitsa, were submitted by the “People’s Rally of the Epirus Region” to the president of the regional council Mr. Braimi, while also bringing back the issue of the Preveza Merchant Marine Academy, as, after the discussion in April 2022, there was complete immobility.

In relation to the first issue, the regional councilors Kostas Kotsantis, Giorgos Prentzas, Georgios Aliftiras and Konstantina Zeka Paschou attribute responsibilities to ETVA VIPE S.A. for the pollution in the Karyda stream, an issue which they point out is not new, as similar phenomena have occurred in the past. “Anyone who visits BIPE today will see with their own eyes the enormous abandonment. He will face a large garbage dump, without guarding, without the necessary lighting and the streams of the area in many places are blocked, becoming foci of stench and contamination. We can’t even talk about the existence of a rudimentary waste disposal and treatment network”, points out LASY Epirus, also referring to the heavy responsibilities of the regional authority, which despite the findings of the Department of Environment and Water Economics of the Preveza Regional Unit, there has been no known measure enforcing compliance with ETVA VIPE S.A.
The four regional councilors request information on the actions taken by the regional authority, in order for ETVA VIPE S.A. to comply. to the indications of its findings, as well as to submit the findings and the Decision to Approve Environmental Terms to the regional council. He also requests information on the new investment project of ETVA VIPE S.A. to the Preveza Environmental Protection Agency regarding whether waste treatment and disposal projects are included, while finally asking whether the necessary measures have been taken to prevent flooding from the project of the new entrance to the city of Preveza, a project that bypasses Nikopoli and crosses the north department of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

For E.O. Preveza – Igoumenitsa

The second question comes as a follow-up to an issue raised by the Preveza Municipality People’s Coalition to the Preveza Municipal Council, regarding the safety of the Preveza – Igoumenitsa National Road, in conjunction with the significant increase in traffic after the completion of the Amvrakia road axis -Actio. The city council was asked the problem that E.O. it crosses residential areas, with no side roads, especially in the Kanali-Kastrosykia area.
LASY Epirus refers to the latest information from the regional governor that the road will eventually be built by the ministry, possibly with the concession and toll enforcement model, and requests information on what essential actions it has taken or intends to take in order to start the construction of a safe road. He also requests that the regional council be informed at what stage of development the studies for this project are and whether they take into account the new data, as well as whether there is a timetable and whether the possibility of financing it is being studied and if so, from which funding program .

Solved the problems of AEN Preveza

Regarding the issue of the Merchant Marine Academy of Preveza, LASY Epirus submits a proposal for discussion at the next regional council, arguing that almost two years have passed since the discussion at the regional council of April 4, 2022, with the problems of the students not only not resolved, but multiplying.
“The problems of the logistical infrastructure are growing, making the living conditions of the students staying at the school increasingly worse. The issue of lack of food not only remains, but not even the meager monthly allowance of 300 euros for food, which they are entitled to, is paid. Due to the constant appreciation of food, the possibility of access to the essentials that students need for their nutrition is increasingly limited. Many students who live in the school’s dormitories are forced to cook in the same area where they sleep. The condition of the hearths is reminiscent of the 1950s. The cost of travel remains high, since for most routes, instead of the 50% discount, they are given only a 25% discount”, the proposal states, while reference is also made to the downgrading of schools to category 5 (IEK).
The regional councilors of the People’s Rally call for initiatives, demanding from the government:
1. The anti-seismic control of all the buildings of the school. Claiming new building facilities and certainly until they are built, modernization of the existing frame, thermal insulation and replacement of the electrical and other technical facilities.
2. Creation of a student dormitory to replace the outdated dormitories.
3. Operation under the responsibility of the school of kitchens to feed all students free of charge and adequately.
4. Staffing with specialized permanent staff, with modernized publications (free and immediate) and with modern laboratories. To operate an infrastructure with computers and a modern Library for the preparation of assignments, with access to the Internet.
5. Measures for the creation of a new School of Electricians and rescue firefighting equipment.
6. Exclusively unified public and free maritime education and further education within the Ministry of Education. To stop efforts to downgrade schools to category 5.
7. Demilitarization of the AEN and abolition of the school’s anachronistic internal regulations.
8. Repeal of the P.D. 141/2014 and the laws on the privatization of maritime education and training.

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