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Savers of lower than $1,000 with COSAVI will obtain their cash – 2024-05-16 05:31:12

2024-05-16 05:31:12

Picture courtesy

After the closure of COSAVI, the Superintendency of the Monetary System reported the return of cash to folks, beginning with individuals who have an quantity of $1,000 {dollars} or much less.

“It is going to start tomorrow with the entire supply of financial savings to those that have $1,000 {dollars} or much less saved in COSAVI,” stated Superintendent of the Monetary System, Evelyn Gracias.

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The official indicated that COSAVI may have one department open to adjust to the return of the cash, whereas the others will essentially shut.

As well as, dividends will not be paid to folks, with the intention of making certain the return of individuals’s financial savings.

Submit by: Abigail Contreras /

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