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Piraeus Bank again in the Small Loans Fund for Rural Entrepreneurship – 2024-04-02 04:01:36

Economy Editorial Room

Piraeus Bank, in collaboration with the Hellenic Development Bank – HDB, participates in the reactivation of the Small Loans Fund for Rural Entrepreneurship, with the utilization of additional resources amounting to 40 million euros.

The aim is to finance professionals in the primary sector (farmers and breeders), as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, which are active in the production of agricultural products and food processing, with an agricultural end product (manufacturing agricultural enterprises).
With the loans of the Agricultural Entrepreneurship Small Loan Fund, eligible borrowers are given the opportunity, based on the business plan they will submit, to cover both investment needs and operating costs.
Loans range from 3,000 to 25,000 euros, with a duration of 2 to 7 years. For the first two years, they are interest-free, as their interest rate is 100% subsidized by the Fund, while for the remaining term, their interest rate will be reduced by 50%, compared to the interest rate of corresponding loans, due to its interest-free contribution. An additional advantage of these loans is the fact that no real collateral is required to obtain them.
Eligible businesses/farmers can simultaneously make use of technical and consulting services (mentoring) through consulting companies cooperating with the Bank. For technical and advisory support, the business/farmer can receive an additional grant of 300 euros, within the framework of this program.
Piraeus Bank, supporting the farmers at every step, informs all interested beneficiaries of the Action, that they can already submit the two necessary applications today:
– The 1st on the KYC (Know Your Customer) platform of the Hellenic Development Bank, to get the unique code and
– The 2nd in the Information System of State Aids (PSKE), choosing Piraeus Bank.
Upon completion of the request submission process, the entrepreneur/farmer can visit one of the Piraeus Bank branches, presenting the application form from PSKE, as well as the required supporting documents of the program, in order to proceed with his funding request.
The Bank of Piraeus has as its strategic choice the comprehensive and effective support of the agricultural sector, as it considers that it has enormous potential for development and can be a pillar of the development of the Greek economy.

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