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No risk for Computer and Information Engineering Department – 2024-03-29 11:19:31

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

The risk that the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics of the Polytechnic School of the University of Ioannina will run out of students is unreal, with the image given by the president of the Department, Christoforos Nikos, being diametrically opposed to the one presented in the media recently .

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Although the number of students in the last two years is significantly reduced compared to the previous academic years, when the Minimum Admission Basis did not apply, the stabilization at a number of approximately 100 admissions each year is something desirable and intended for the same Department, based on infrastructure and human resources. After all, as Mr. Nikou mentions, the Department asks for 100 students, but the Ministry constantly sets the total number of admitted students at a price more than double what the Department has the ability to train adequately and qualitatively.
“The TMIYP is not only not in all the Departments, which are in danger of running out of students, but it has a great demand and is the same one that tries to regulate with the EBE the number of admissions for reasons of study quality based on its available infrastructures. The very good quality of the studies provided by the Department is also demonstrated by the establishment in Ioannina of multinational IT companies, which employ a significant percentage of our graduates and collaborate with the Department.
The purpose of the studies is to equip society with competent Computer and Information Technology Engineers. It would probably be easy, for reasons of popularity, to change the EBE rate to a lower rate and have many more students. However, we must emphasize that such a decision would significantly reduce the quality of our graduates’ studies and this is something we do not accept as academic teachers. Always guided by the provision of high academic training to our students, TMIYP fulfills, often under adverse conditions, its mission”, underlines Mr. Christou and concludes, pointing out that “publications, which are not based on correct or complete data, only lead to wrong conclusions and cause undue concern to the families of students and future candidates”.

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