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Nicole Belloubet announces the deployment of a national “mobile school security force”

2024-03-29 14:57:29

The Minister of Education Nicole Belloubet, traveling to Bordeaux this Friday, announced her plan to deploy “a mobile school security force which will be national” and “which can be projected into establishments which are experiencing difficulties”. This security force would thus be “intended to reassure teachers” and “ensure physical security” within middle and high schools.

The Ministry of Education announced in October a strengthening of the security of educational establishments, after the assassination of Dominique Bernard, literature teacher killed in a knife attack in his high school in Arras (Pas-de-Calais) .

Questioned by AFP, the minister’s entourage specified that this team, “made up of around twenty National Education agents”, would be “set up at the start of the 2024 school year”. “In the event of an acute crisis, it can be projected throughout the territory within 48 hours when local resources require additional support,” we added. It “will have a mission of security inside the establishment, calming and education”.

Contacted, the Ministry of Education told Le Parisien that details will be provided next week on the subject. A meeting is planned with the unions on Wednesday April 3, at which more information is expected to be given.

Tensions after the Ravel high school affair

Stressing that she also wanted to guarantee “legal certainty”, the minister indicated that “from now on the State will systematically take civil action when a complaint is filed”, when there are “acts of cyber-maliciousness or acts of physical attacks” against educational establishments.

The minister’s announcement comes after the early departure of the principal of the Maurice-Ravel high school, located in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. Indeed, he had been the target of insults and threats after asking a student at the establishment to remove her veil. She filed a complaint, which was then dismissed, while the principal preferred to withdraw for his safety.

He was received by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, who announced that the State was filing a complaint against the young girl. A rally was organized in front of the Ravel high school this Friday in support of educational staff.

ENT messaging suspended

The minister also announced the suspension of messaging in the ENT spaces of educational establishments. Objective: to prevent new malicious acts after hundreds of middle and high schools were the targets of digital hacking.

The ministry indicated that 340 threats, in 44 departments and 20 academies, have taken place in France since the middle of last week. Some establishments even had to be evacuated following threats of attacks for “security checks”. A teenager was also arrested in Hauts-de-Seine as part of the investigation into these hacks.

#Nicole #Belloubet #announces #deployment #national #mobile #school #security #force

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