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Maintenance works in the e.o. Rhodes-Lindos, “Kombos Ladikos” – The attention of drivers is drawn – 2024-03-27 18:13:16

2024-03-27 18:13:16

The Directorate of Technical Works of the Dodecanese Region of the South Aegean Region informs passing drivers that maintenance work will be carried out at the K-12 junction of the Rhodes-Lindos National Road, “Ladikos Junction”, as part of the implementation of the project: “Three-year maintenance of the Road Network under the authority of P. N.A.I., Rhodes-Lindos National Road, the central part of the island of Rhodes and the Road Network of the island of Chalkis”.

The works will last from Wednesday 27-03-2024 at 07:00 to Sunday 31-03-2024 at 17:00.

The restoration works of the asphalt pavement will be carried out with a temporary simultaneous closure of one of the two lanes in each direction of the National Road, at the location of the junction and for a total length of about 400m.

Passers-by (pedestrians or vehicles) from the area of ​​execution of the works, during the aforementioned dates, are requested to be particularly careful in their movements.

Also, passing drivers must show the necessary attention and obey the signs, as well as the instructions of the Traffic and the security personnel of the contractor company.

Possible changes to the above applicable traffic regulations will be announced in good time by the Directorate of Technical Works of the Dodecanese of the South Aegean Region.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding, and we hope for everyone’s support in order to complete the work smoothly and quickly.



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