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It is also said in the Bible: “You shall look, you shall look, and you shall not see”. Pashinyan was shocked by the experts’ proposal to rename the subject of Armenian history as history of the Republic of Armenia – 2024-03-29 11:59:04

2024-03-29 11:59:04

Doesn’t it say in the Bible, “You shall look, you shall look, and you shall not see?” Today, there are so many things that we look, look and do not see. RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made the announcement at the initiator’s meeting of Gavar KP in Gegharkunik Marz.

He gave an example confirming his words: “Recently, I learned that a group of pedagogues, or scientists, specialists applied to KGMS, suggesting that the subject of Armenian culture taught in schools should be renamed History of Armenia. To be honest, this proposal shocked me with the following logic. I blamed myself for not noticing this subtlety,” he said.

RA Prime Minister Pashinyan continued that it may seem that this is a debate: the history of the Armenian people or the history of Armenia.

“And there is a deep, very serious difference in content: the history of the Armenian people implies the history of the absence of statehood with episodes of statehood, while the history of Armenia implies the history of statehood with episodes of the absence of statehood. In other words, the first story is about the absence of a state, which was sometimes interrupted by having a state, and the second is the history of a state, which was sometimes interrupted by not having a state. There are issues of this kind, which are very important,” he said and added that they should be correctly positioned around the goal of statehood.

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