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Google becomes desi! Frauds will not be able to speak expensive English, you will get these amazing features – Google fact check tools now available in Hindi and additional 40 languages – 2024-04-04 15:14:26

2024-04-04 15:14:26

In the case of online fraud, it is seen that the person in front commits online fraud by speaking English. Also, if a user wants to check a fake website or photo, then he has to be disappointed due to lack of English. However, this will not happen now, because Gagool has become desi. This means that Google has given support to 40 local languages ​​including English to its two fact check tools.

Will be able to check background

Google has announced that its two features like – About this image and About this page have been made available in a total of 40 languages ​​including Hindi. With the help of these tools, users will be able to check the background of any content on Google search, whereas “About this result” users will be able to check the background of any website before clicking on it. Apart from this, with the help of “About this image” you will be able to check the source and context of the photo.

These languages ​​will be supported

According to the Google blog post, this feature was introduced globally last year with English language support, in which 40 additional languages ​​have been added worldwide. This includes French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese.

Will be able to control fake news

Last month, Google announced several steps to stop fake news and misleading information on its search pages. Google is working to detect fake online information like deepfakes. Along with this, Google is stopping Gemini AI chatbot from answering any election related question.

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