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Giusy Buscemi is ‘Vanina’, the deputy commissioner of the Canale 5 drama

It’s officially the era of the deputy police commissioners: if the third season of The investigations of Lolita Loboscothe Rai 1 drama with Luisa Ranieri in the role of the deputy police commissioner of Bari, from Wednesday 27th the baton passes to Giusy Buscemiprotagonist of the Canale 5 miniseries Vanina – An assistant commissioner in Catania. Based on the novels by Cristina Cassar Scalia (The investigations of the deputy commissioner Vanina Guarrasi), is the story of Giovanna Guarrasi (Buscemi), known to all as Vaninanew arrival in the homicide section of Catania.

Born in 1993, a true Sicilian originally from Mazara del Vallo but raised in Menfi (Agrigento), Buscemi’s career began in 2012 when, in Montecatini Terme, was crowned Miss Italy: fully entered into the world of entertainment, like any self-respecting Miss, although she had already gained some experience in cinema before winning the historic beauty contest (as Salt kisses Of Antonio Zeta e Infinite black Of Giorgio Bruno) it is from this moment on that acting becomes to all intents and purposes his main profession.


In 2014 its popularity grew further thanks to the ninth season of Don Matteowhere she played the second daughter of Marshal Cecchini (Nino Frassica), Assuntina. Series in which, moreover, she met her future husband Jan Michelinimarried in 2017 and with whom he had children Caterina Maria, Pietro Maria and Elia Mariarespectively in 2018, 2019 and 2022. And again, again on the small screen, the miniseries The beauty and the Beast alongside Alessandro Preziosi, One step from heaven, The veiled lady con Miriam Leone and Lino Guanciale, The young Montalbano (in the episode Death on the open sea) e A ladies’ paradisewhere she was the very first protagonist playing Teresa Iorio in the first two seasons.


A true drama queen. But also The doctors, Once upon a time there was Studio One, Doc – in your hands (second season) and the documentaries of Alberto Angela Tonight in Florence, Tonight in Venice e Wonders – The peninsula of treasures. Contemporary cinema in films I quit whenever I want – Masterclass e I quit whenever I want – Ad honorem Of Sydney Sibilia, The teachers arrive Of Ivan Silvestrini, short films and commercials. Until we get to Vanina – An assistant commissioner in Catania: “I am a Sicilian deputy commissioner – said the guest actress of the first episode of the evening show Friends of Maria De Filippi – it was fun to play this character because she is the opposite of who I am: she is a wild, instinctive girl with a past behind her that she tries to escape from and that she has difficulty facing.” “It’s a truly beautiful series – swears Buscemi – with beautiful direction Davide Marengo. And it is produced by Palomar, the manufacturer of Montalbano and which therefore ensures great successes. And so all the conditions are there, we are happy. We are waiting for you.”

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