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French companies are urged not to leave the Russian market – 2024-03-28 08:29:26

2024-03-28 08:29:26

The President of the French Entrepreneurs’ Union (MEDEF) Geoffrey Roux de Bézio called on French companies not to stop their activities in Russia.

“160,000 people work in French companies in Russia. As an employer, it is our duty not to close these companies,” he said on BFM TV channel.

“American companies that have 10 employees each in Russia will not have much difficulty closing their businesses, but we, as responsible employers, see our role in helping our employees and Russian consumers,” said the president of the French Entrepreneurs Union. .

He added that the French government did not demand the closure of French companies working in Russia.

It should be noted that earlier at the meeting held in the Elysée Palace under the leadership of the French President Emmanuel Macron, it was announced that none of the 15 large French companies have severed economic ties with Moscow.

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