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Extras for ‘Two and a Half Murders & a Bulldog’ – 2024-04-03 02:36:45

CultureEditorial Room

For a third three-day period, from Saturday, March 30 to Monday, April 1, the play “Two and a Half Murders & One Bulldog” by Michalis Reppas and Thanasis Papathanasiou, staged by the “northern” art group, will be presented until April 8, while two additional performances will be added .

The show is based on Evgenios Lambis’ play “The Affair of Lursin Street” and is a crazy, hilarious farce. “Two townspeople are convinced by a farcical coincidence that they are responsible for a murder they did not commit. From the moment the idea of ​​guilt is fixed in their minds, they are automatically alienated from their environment and from themselves, and from peaceful middle-class people they turn into manic killers. A single piece of information is capable of mutating them in an instant. Our heroes avoid conflict with their fate like the devil avoids frankincense. They turn their backs on her and “run my little legs, don’t let my ass get lost”, it says in a note for the show, directed by Yiannis Sendeles, who is also in charge of the music and set design.
Chara Karyotakis (Justini), Christos Sdrallis (Officer Sardou), Georgia Papadimitriou (Norin Lampis), Hara Papadimitriou (Polette Feydo), Panos Sendeles (Pierre Lampis), Yiannis Sendeles (August Feydo) and Rizos Tragoudaras (Marivo) play in order of appearance ).
The performances are given in the art space “north” (KE.PA.VI. Hall 120) every Saturday, Sunday and Monday, starting at 8.30 in the evening, while the two extra performances will be given on Thursday, April 4 at 9.15 in the evening and Friday 5 April at 9.25 pm.
Ticket 10 euros and 8 euros reduced. Reservation is necessary by calling 6941468358.

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