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End of the green sticker, family allowances, technical inspection… Everything that changes on April 1, 2024

2024-03-30 07:03:28

This new month ahead comes with its share of changes in your daily life. This Monday, April 1, there is no question of fish for the news: the doubling of the medical franchise, the end of the green sticker, but also an increase in social benefits. Here is the list of changes.

End of green sticker

Goodbye to the little piece of green paper you slip on your windshield every year. The green sticker is no longer necessary for registered vehicles since in the event of an inspection, the police will be able to check the insurance of the driver and his vehicle via the insured vehicle file (FVA) with the license plate. registration. However, it remains mandatory to take out insurance to drive any car or motorcycle.

Technical inspection becomes compulsory for two-wheelers

It’s not just cars that will need the green light. From April 15, registered motorcycles and all two-wheelers must undergo a technical inspection every three years to guarantee the good condition of their vehicle. In the event of non-compliance with the measure, the owner of the motor vehicle is liable to a fine of 135 euros.

To find out the deadline by which you must carry out this check, refer to the year of registration of your two-wheeler: December 31, 2024 for a model before 2017, December 31, 2025 for vehicles registered between 2017 and 2019, and finally, December 31, 2026 for those in circulation since 2020.

Doubling of the medical deductible

From 50 cents, it goes to one euro. From March 31, the medical franchise doubles and therefore increases to one euro withheld per box of medicine delivered to a patient or per procedure carried out by a medical assistant (nurse, masseur-physiotherapist, speech therapist, psychomotor therapist, chiropodist-podiatrist, etc.).

If you use medical transport (VSL, ambulance), the price finally increases to 4 euros, compared to 2 until now. The medical franchise does not, however, apply to medications dispensed or procedures carried out within the framework of hospitalization, and amounts to a maximum of 50 euros per year per patient.

Drop in MaPrimeRénov’

The amount of the MaPrimeRénov’ subsidy, assistance in financing the energy renovation of housing, is reduced by 30%. This aid is awarded for the installation of wood, log or pellet boilers or stoves. It varies depending on household income.

End of the rent shield

The rent reference index (IRL), published by INSEE, caps the annual rent increases that owners can apply to their tenant. Since the summer of 2022, a “shield” has limited the increase in the IRL to 3.5% for mainland France, 2% for Corsica and 2.5% for the overseas departments.

This shield had been extended until March 31, it is no longer relevant from April 1 and the increase in the IRL could exceed 3.5%, while inflation is decreasing (3 % over one year in February).

Social benefits revalued

A revaluation indexed to inflation. Several social benefits paid by the CAF are subject to an increase of 4.6% from April 1: the RSA, the activity bonus, family allowances and the allowance for disabled adults (AAH) will see their increased amount.

For a single person, the amount of the RSA will therefore increase from 607.75 euros to 635.70 euros. Concerning the AAH, the symbolic level of 1,000 euros of allowance is crossed for a person without resources with a disability of more than 50%, with an amount of 1016.05 euros.

End of winter break

April 1 marks the end of the winter break, which began on November 1. This system prohibits an owner from evicting his tenant to prevent people from finding themselves on the street during the winter due to unpaid rent or nuisance. The law again authorizes the eviction of tenants from this Monday.

Start of sending the Energy Check

Some good news may reach you from this Tuesday, April 2: the State is starting to send the Energy Check to the 5.6 million households who can benefit from it. Don’t worry if you don’t receive it in the coming days, the sending campaign will last until May 15.

As a reminder, this state boost was launched in 2018 to help the lowest-income households pay their energy bills. Calculated based on tax income, the amount, paid once each year, can vary between 48 and 277 euros. A single person with 900 euros of monthly income will receive 48 euros. For a couple with two children and 20,000 euros of income, it will be 76 euros.

Last days to validate your wishes on Parcoursup

The wishes are validated, we must now complete the files! Students who apply for higher education training via Parcoursup have until April 3 to complete their file and validate their wishes on the assignment platform. The first responses will arrive on May 30, after examination of the files by the training courses.

Start of income tax declarations

The starting signal will be given on Thursday April 11 for all French taxpayers. In detail, those from departments 1 (Ain) to 19 (Corrèze) or abroad will have until May 23 at midnight to complete this formality. Those from departments 20 (Corse-du-Sud and Haute-Corse) to 54 (Meurthe-et-Moselle) will benefit from an additional week until May 30.

Finally, the inhabitants of departments 55 (Meuse) to 976 (Mayotte) will be the most varnished since they will be able to satisfy this obligation until June 6. This spreading is designed to avoid clogging of the platform impots.gouv.frmany taxpayers waiting until the last day to file their declaration.

#green #sticker #family #allowances #technical #inspection.. #April

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