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Call for better protection and solidarity against violence after a series of femicides in Vienna!

2024-03-01 10:01:26

Vienna. Last Friday, five women were killed in Vienna within 24 hours: a 13-year-old girl and her mother were found dead in their home on Landstraße in the morning. Three other women were victims of a knife attack in Brigittenau in the evening. The murders of women, which were also on the agenda of the world press, mobilized organizations and politicians in Austria.

In a joint statement, politicians called for better protection and solidarity against violence against women throughout Austria. Additionally, the Federal government’s establishment of a “round table” without the federal states was also criticized.

Vienna Deputy Mayor and Women’s Councilor Kathrin Gaál, Burgenland Deputy Governor Astrid Eisenkopf, Carinthia Deputy Governor for Social Affairs Gaby Schaunig, Carinthia Women’s Councilor Sara Schaar, Styrian State Councilor Doris Kampus, Lower Austrian State Councilor Ulrike The following statements were made in the joint press statement made by Königsberger-Ludwig and Tyrol State Councilor Eva Pawlata:

„It is unacceptable that male violence poses a constant threat to women’s lives in Austria. Recent developments and observations in recent years show that femicide is a structural problem. Here, politicians and society as a whole have a duty and responsibility. The federal states take their responsibilities very seriously. The current dramatic increase in femicide once again poses an urgent problem for politicians. It should be welcomed that the Federal Government has responded to calls for a crisis summit and has finally invited people to a “round table”. However, it is incomprehensible that the federal states are not involved in the process. It is especially important that we all act together when it comes to protecting against violence. We urgently need an interstate dialogue on protection against violence and a new National Action Plan for Protection against Violence. “When it comes to violence against women, we need to join forces across Austria.” (

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