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2024-04-01 18:37:13

A week of mourning is enough, and as Nei Lisboa immortalized, there’s no point crying over spilled whiskey, it was the easiest title we competed for this year.

Now it’s time to move forward, lick our wounds, understand our mistakes and try not to repeat them in the next competitions.

The team’s diagnosis had already been evaluated before, which is why Fernando and Thiago Maia, a left back, and Borré came. There are more options for assembling the team, mainly to change the way of playing when the traditional way is not working. Clearly, the absence of reinforcements is no justification for not beating Juventude, which we did even with reserves.

But Inter needs to look ahead, think about other competitions, especially the Brasileirão, with the promise of 38 finals. Sudamericana and Copa do Brasil are to be taken as far as it doesn’t get in the way, and, I follow the same opinion, the Brasileirão is won in games against 6-point opponents, those in which we have an obligation to win at home and away. This cushion of points from weaker teams is what will take us to the title, and not the exchange of points with Flamengo, Palmeiras and other possible candidates.

An away draw, against 10 teams, cannot be considered a good result, and this needs to enter the minds of the players, coach and entire technical team, as it is in the smaller games that Inter needs to enter with more strength and decision.

Obviously these teams will be as tight as Juventude, and playing for one ball, one escape, one error in a dead ball against Inter. We will not have open confrontation, spaces to play and players carrying the ball; the most likely is the entire team concentrated in the opponent’s field and a truck of players parked in front of the area.

Inter will not be the only one to face this situation, and eventually against bigger teams we will also have the opposing coach’s option for strength and speed in recovering the ball.

Then comes a squad with more options, with Alario’s aerial ball, finishing from outside the area and the advance of wide-open full-backs. Players were hired for this purpose, to change the way we play to face setbacks, but, in any case, finishing is the moment of extreme importance, and where we make a lot of mistakes in the games against Juventude.

Forward ball also means attacking to score goals, and perhaps this correction the team needs to make, with a game, at a certain moment, more vertical and faster. Today the team reorganizes itself at all times to attack, starting from a formation to move the pieces. This is training, but the team needs to go a little further than that, and, when the opponent provides space, try to play a more vertical and incisive game, considering that we have attackers who are skilled in confronting defenders, and not all refereeing will be Daronco’s.

The fact is that the gauchão ended last week for Inter, and reliving the moments of the championship that passed will not help in the future.


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