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An employee of kindergarten No. 54 died of meningococcal infection. no case was registered among the contacts. have they been vaccinated? – 2024-04-03 23:43:22

2024-04-03 23:43:22

Yesterday, wrote that during the holidays, an extraordinary case was registered in kindergarten No. 54 in Yerevan. After the festive events and performances of the garden on December 28, the health condition of the pianist of the garden deteriorated sharply and she died on January 3. It turned out that he had a meningococcal infection.

On January 3, after the death of the pianist, kindergarten students and staff were urgently vaccinated.

“After making the clarifications on December 31, we started working on duty from January 1, we vaccinated 12 adults from the kindergarten staff and three kindergarten students, and we began to carry out more intensive and large-scale vaccinations in the following days. 104 people applied to us, we took a BAC analysis, as of now, none of them have been confirmed to have the infection, the answer came back negative,” said Ara Nersisyan, director of Polyclinic No. 12.

In a conversation with, Svetlana Grigoryan, Head of the Department of Epidemiology of Immunoprevention and Controlled Infectious Diseases of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health, stated that meningococcal infection is an acute infectious disease. to severe, generalized forms. Mild forms can be in the form of nasopharyngitis, they are the characteristic phenomena of acute respiratory infections. And severe forms are meningitis caused by meningococcal infection, they have a severe course.

According to Grigoryan, the source of the infection is a sick person: “This pathogen has a peculiarity. It can cause a healthy infection. In other words, the given person will not know that he is sick, but will be a source of infection for those around him. In various literatures, it is mentioned that the infectivity in teenagers and adults can vary in the range of 10 percent. However, the good thing is that it is not registered in our republic and does not spread in the future. In this specific case, we have one case, which was registered with the kindergarten employee. As of now, we can say that no cases of spread have been registered, because its latent period is a maximum of 10 days, and 10 days have passed and meningococcal infection has not been detected among contact persons.

The Ministry of Health specialist noted that preventive measures are divided into two parts. And the other is the implementation of preventive vaccinations, in this case with an epidemiological indication. All the people who had contact with the pianist went to the polyclinic and were vaccinated.”

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