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A Circular Economy Council will advise the government – 2024-04-04 15:43:12

2024-04-04 15:43:12

The Council of Ministers adopted a Decree on the establishment of a Circular Economy Council. It is a permanent advisory body of the Council of Ministers for the coordination of executive authorities on issues related to the transition from a linear to a circular economy. It will also ensure cooperation with other state bodies, local self-government bodies and non-governmental organizations in defining and implementing state policy in the areas of the circular economy.

The Council will resolve issues of a coordination nature related to the transition to a circular economy, which are within the competence of more than one ministry or department, will issue guidelines and recommend actions for the implementation of the goals and measures in the area of ​​the circular economy defined in the documents of the National strategic framework, will monitor and evaluate the progress of circular economy initiatives in Bulgaria.

The Council will propose to the Development Council of the Council of Ministers the coordination of updates to the documents from the National Strategic Framework in the area of ​​the circular economy, as well as propose to the Council of Ministers the adoption of normative acts related to ensuring the transition to a circular economy.

The draft decree to the Council establishes three sectoral working groups in the following areas: Production and consumption; Competitiveness and innovation and Management of waste and secondary raw materials. These areas correspond to the stages and aspects of the circular economy defined by the Circular Economy Monitoring Framework. The working groups will carry out their activities according to the working rules adopted by the Council.

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