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11 dead, including nine students, in a traffic accident in Indonesia »

At least 11 people were killed, including nine students, and dozens were injured in a traffic accident involving a school bus on the Indonesian island of Java, police said Sunday.

The accident occurred between the cities of Depok and Lembang in West Java, according to a police spokesman.
He explained that the school bus, which was transporting more than 60 students and teachers, suddenly swerved to the left and collided with a car and three motorcycles, noting that “nine students and one teacher were among the dead passengers.”
The eleventh victim was the driver of a motorcycle.
The accident also resulted in 13 people being seriously injured and 40 lightly injured, according to a police spokesman.
The same source indicated that the students were on a trip to celebrate receiving their school certificates, stressing that the police had opened an investigation to find out the causes of the accident.
One of the police commanders, Ondang Syarif Hidayat, said in statements to a local channel that it was suspected that the accident was due to a defect in the bus’s brakes.
Traffic accidents are frequent in Indonesia in light of the obsolescence of many vehicles or their poor maintenance, and the failure of many Indonesians to adhere to traffic laws.

Source: France Press

2024-05-13 02:43:09

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